Tuesday, March 07, 2006

Consistency is the KEY to Success.

I have been going to gym from May 2005 to October 2005 and then took a 3 month break due to business trips and also for Chinese New Year. When I went back again last month, I found that my stamina had decreased (probably due to me putting back some the weights I lost, during Christmas, New Year Party Bash, Chinese New Year etc). My strength has also dropped by at least 20%, when translated means, I could not lift as heavy as before and could do less repetitions per set. It is only 3 months break, how could it have such an effect on my performance? Because I was not consistent in my training.

Consistency is the KEY to Success.

Right now, I am doing a 5-day Training Program focusing on overloading for the first 2 months and high-reps, low weights for the third month. I repeat the cycle again.

Overloading simply means from light to heavy with a decrease in reps for each set. For example, doing bench-press, I lift 30kgs, 15 times for the 1st set. After completing it, I lift 45kgs, 10 times for the 2nd set. Then, I lift 60Kgs, 5 times for the 3rd set and finally, I lift 80Kgs, 3 times for the last set. This is used to build muscle mass and develop greater strength.

High-reps, low weights means I lift light weights with a higher frequency for each set. For example, doing bench-press. I lift 20kgs, 20 times for the 1st set. After completing it, I lift 25kgs, 20 times for the 2nd set. Then I lift 30kgs, 15 times for the 3rd set and finally, I lift 30kgs, 15 times for the last set. This is used to do "cutting" or develop greater definitions of my physique.

To acheive greater muscle-mass, consistency is a must!

The use of steroids is not advisable since it has many dangerous and harmful side-effects. I rather rely on sheer willpower and determination to reach my goals of achiveing a lean, mean and well-defined physique.


dr3amingdead said...

erm.. i fear man with all muscles :x

blog posts said...

Men with muscles are better than men with too much fat. I am not aiming to be the next "Arnold (no last name needed)". And having a good, lean and good muscle-toned physical body is the goal of my physical training. Having a healthy body is one of the meaning to living a Good Life. Without it, one can never be happy.

dr3amingdead said...

hey update ur blog! post some pictures, wanna see your muscles since you've been promoting it

Goat Almighty said...

i challenge you to spell arnold's last name!


blog posts said...

Arnold Schwarzenegger that's Arnold Sch-war-zen-egg-er!!! Anything else you need help in spelling !?